September 5 Head of School Weekly Update

by Les Rainey on September 05, 2024

Dear BACS Family,

We are excited to give Elementary Night another try this Friday evening at the football stadium! We hope your family can join us to cheer on our Bronco football team, cheerleaders, band, color guard, and student trainers. These events, along with the support from our community, are what make BACS such a special place.

It’s a joy to be part of this school community for many reasons. Here are just a few observations from my perspective over the past few weeks:

  • Our Pre-K through twelfth-grade setting provides a stable environment for students throughout their entire educational journey. Numerous studies show the positive impact that stability and structure have on student success.

  • It's heartwarming to see new families welcomed so warmly by those who have been with us for years. New families, don’t forget our New Parent Dinner this Monday, the 9th, at 6:30 PM in the Fellowship Hall.

  • Each day and every activity at BACS is centered around bringing glory to God and raising the next generation for Christ.

  • High standards are a cornerstone of our school community, and our students consistently rise to the challenge, with scores well above state and national averages.

  • The smiles on our students' faces say it all! One of the highlights of my day is greeting our Bronco students as they arrive on campus.

  • Our faculty and staff truly care for, love, and champion our students.

  • Watching our students grow and succeed brings excitement to each day.

  • We are blessed to have a school large enough to offer a wide range of competitive and educational opportunities, yet small enough to foster close relationships within each grade.

  • We have the unique privilege of integrating biblical teaching into every subject and activity, showing that “in Christ are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge” (Col. 2:3). And what a blessing it is to pause in the middle of the week for chapel together!

Our students are amazing, and the support we receive from parents is unmatched.

It’s a great day to be a Bronco!

Les Rainey
Head of School

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