February 20 Head of School Weekly Update

Dear BACS Family,
Likely, you hear of some accolades stemming from the success of our students each week. Our students are remarkably talented, driven, and successful in various pursuits. Last week at the state swim meet, our teams finished second in the boys division and third in the girls division! Our boy's team earned twelve medals, four boys were state champions in three different events, and the girl's team won nine total medals.
On the same weekend, the wrestling team finished fourth at the state meet with five medalists and our third-ever individual wrestling state champion! Also, our girls' basketball team finished district runner-up and won their first two state playoff games. On Saturday, they’ll compete for a final four berth for the second straight year.
It’s worth noting that our school is experiencing this remarkable success with the smallest high school enrollment in our classification. The simple fact is we have great students and coaches that compete the right way and represent our community with class–that’s a fact. Congrats to these outstanding student-athletes, coaches, and teams. However, this type of success is not the most celebrated distinctive of our school.
For 52 years, our school has been carrying out the mission of “providing quality, Kingdom education.” As mentioned, we highlight the success of our students often because they evidence the quality education present at our school. Certainly, our students’ lives are impacted by quality teaching, coaching, expectations, performances, etc. However, having an eternal perspective and making disciples in this next generation is why we exist as a school. Therefore, it is vital to remember that our natural earthly life has perishable rewards and that the main effort of all we do should be to glorify God, which has nonperishable merit. While we love the success of our students, it is the opportunity to teach truth and the meaning of life that is the primary distinctive feature of our school. What good is it if our students accomplish much for worldly gain when there is a lack of eternal perspective?
It is such a blessing that over 960 students are receiving this type of education daily. We are also excited about the prospects of next year’s enrollment as 97% of our students are currently re-enrolled for 25-26! Thank you for the eternal investment you are making in your child’s life and the generations to come. Our world needs Christian leaders who are capable and confident in Christ – it is fun to watch our Broncos lead already!
It’s a great day to be a Bronco!
Les Rainey
Head of School