
The Fine Arts department at BACS exists to bring glory and honor to God in all things. Genesis 1:1 states “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.” We strive to equip our students for excellence in their creative pursuits so that the beauty and nature of God will be glorified through the creative process. Students at BACS will become well-rounded performers and artists who have excellent skills and abilities and desire to honor God with the gifts He has given them.


Elementary Art

Elementary Art introduces students to the artistic skills needed to create original works of art. It provides a variety of experiences that introduce artistic concepts, skills, and techniques. Generally laboratory in nature, this program explores and gives experience with a variety of formats and integrates art history, design principles, and aesthetic criticism and response. Elementary Art students also participate in Fine Arts Night exhibitions.

Secondary Art

The Secondary Art program introduces students to the skills needed to create original works of art. It provides a variety of experiences that build on the concepts, techniques, and use of media introduced in the elementary school programs. Generally laboratory in nature, this program explores two-dimensional and three-dimensional art utilizing a variety of mediums. The curriculum integrates the elements of art and principles of design, and the study of art history, as well as utilizes critique and response to help artists develop their gifts and talents. Students in Secondary Art also have opportunities for field experiences, participation in TAPPS competitions, and Fine Arts Night exhibitions.


Students enrolled in Choir will have the opportunity to sing about God’s truth and explore a variety of cultures through sacred and secular vocal music. Students will receive instruction in and demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge of music theory, sight-singing and proper vocal technique through learning challenging vocal repertoire. The opportunity to perform and excel is provided through Fine Arts Concerts, regional and state choir opportunities, and contests sponsored by the Texas Private School Music Educators Association (TPSMEA). Students enrolled in Jr. High and High School Choir have the opportunity to take yearly trips with the Performing Arts department.



Formal bands are formed in 5th Grade (Beginning band) and continue through 6th grade, Junior High and High School. The instruction in these groups focuses on developing and advancing the knowledge and ability of students on their instruments. The opportunity to perform and excel is provided through Fine Arts Concerts, regional Band opportunities, and contests sponsored by the Texas Private School Music Educators Association (TPSMEA), ATSSB, and TAPPS. High School Band students regularly perform at home football games and pep rallies, and students in Jr. High and High School take yearly trips with the Performing Arts department.

Praise Band

The Chapel Praise Band is led by our student worship leaders and supporting church leaders. Our weekly chapel services emphasize the study of God's Word, prayer, and praise. The Chapel Praise Band gives students the opportunity to participate in and lead praise teams for weekly chapel services and campus events.


Formal training on string instruments begins in 5th Grade and continues through 6th grade, Junior High and High School. The instruction in these groups focuses on developing and advancing the knowledge and ability of students on their individual string instruments. The opportunity to perform and excel is provided through Fine Arts Concerts, as well as a variety of festival, clinic, and contest opportunities. Students enrolled in Jr. High and High School Orchestra take yearly trips with the Performing Arts department.

Tech Arts

Tech Arts is open to 11th & 12th grade students at BACS. Students learn about audio, visual, and digital media as well as the use of professional techniques and editing styles to display their ideas and highlight their God-given talents. They also learn about different professions in the audio and video production fields and how to work collaboratively to become successful technical artists. Students make their ideas come alive through effective planning, projects, and editing. Students also practice their audio, visual, and digital media skills by running audio, video, and media for our weekly chapel services and selected campus events.