

Bay Area Christian School prioritizes Kingdom Education in educating the whole child. Students are immersed in a kingdom focused environment that upholds Christian values while striving for academic excellence. The curriculum used is written from a Christian perspective and establishes a biblical worldview while motivating students for success. This biblical approach to learning encourages growth in our students and prepares them to impact the world as ambassadors of Christ.

- Dana Duncan, Principal


The elementary school consists of kindergarten through grade six. Kindergarten classes are structured and students are taught academic skills according to school-set standards. Students in grades one and two are given more instruction in reading, language arts, mathematics, and Bible than in fine arts, social studies, health, and science. More attention is given in the older grades to science, language arts, and math. Throughout all elementary grades, the basic skills of reading, writing, and mathematics are stressed. Elementary Curriculum materials include textbooks from Bob Jones Press as well as other supplemental materials. Biblical principles are integrated across the curriculum. We believe that the teacher is the main point of biblical integration and the living curriculum in the classroom.

Suggestions for Readiness

We are delighted that you have chosen Bay Area Christian School for your child’s educational training. We look forward to partnering with your home to provide a quality, Christ-centered classroom environment, in which your child will be nurtured for academic and spiritual growth. Our elementary faculty has provided the following readiness areas, which we hope will be beneficial for children preparing to enter our school for the first time. Bob Jones University Press materials are used in grades K-6. It is an excellent academic curriculum having Christian principles and values taught throughout all subjects.


BJU Press Curriculum: rigorous academic materials that stimulate/encourage critical thinking, paired with technology, with a biblical worldview lens incorporated into each subject.

The kindergarten curriculum develops foundational knowledge and skills in Bible, math, history, science, handwriting, and language arts for future grades. This program, develops the joy of learning through both teacher-guided and independent discovery-based activities.

Specials: Art, Music, P.E., and Library

Field Trips: Christmas Tree Farm, Nutcracker performance, and movie theater

Numerous events and celebrations for families to build community and friendships with one another

Kinder Brochure

1st Grade

Bible: Biblical worldview and prayer integrated throughout subjects, classes, and weekly chapel worship. Students memorize monthly scriptures as part of their required Bible class.

English Language Arts: Pumpkin storybook project. Reading buddies with older students.

Science: Butterfly hatching and hands-on science activities

Math: 100th day of school activities

Special Events: Star of the week, 100th day activities, and games to reinforce academic concepts

Specials: Art, Music, P.E., and Library

Field Trips: NASA Space Center and Joy the Dog

1st Grade Brochure

2nd Grade

Bible: Biblical worldview and prayer integrated throughout subjects, classes, and weekly chapel worship. Students memorize monthly scriptures as part of Bible class.

Science: Animal diorama with report

Math: Multiplication and division facts to 5. Subtraction with regrouping to the thousands place

Language Arts: Reading and comprehension, cursive handwriting, letter, and creative journal writing

History: State research project and written report

Specials: Art, Music, P.E., Library, Spanish

Field Trips: Children’s Museum and Main Street Theater

2nd Grade Brochure

3rd Grade

Bible: Biblical worldview and prayer integrated throughout subjects, classes, and weekly chapel worship. Students memorize monthly scriptures as part of Bible class.

English Language Arts: Cursive handwriting, chapter books, and applying the writing process for multiple genres of writing

Science: Animal research project

Math: Multiplication, division tables (0- 12) and long division

History: Early American history emphasis

Specials: Art, Music, P.E., Library, Spanish

3rd Grade Brochure

4th Grade

Fourth grade begins a rotational class schedule for specialized content instruction.

Bible: Biblical worldview and prayer integrated throughout subjects, classes, and weekly chapel worship. Students memorize monthly scriptures as part of Bible class.

Science: Collaborative animal research project, marine mobiles, dry ice experiment, and stem rotations

Math: Polygon art and STEAM activities

Language Arts: Lap books, novel unit studies, and various writing styles developed

History: Texas history, interactive notebooks, family heritage study, and Frontier Day

Specials: Art, Music, P.E., Library and Spanish

Field Trips: George Ranch, movie theater

4th Grade Brochure

5th Grade

Rotational class schedule for specialized content instruction. Hands-on, simulations, and project-based learning

Bible: Biblical worldview and prayer integrated throughout subjects, classes, and weekly chapel worship. Students memorize monthly scriptures as part of Bible class.

Cross-curricular events: Living History Museum and “glow days”

Science: Classroom pets, science fair project, dissecting owl pellets

Math: Geometry blueprints and gingerbread house, fractions with ice cream and budgeting

Specials: Band, orchestra or art/music/Spanish, and P.E. every day

Service: Create and donate blankets for foster kids at Christmas

Field trips: NASA Longhorn Project and dinosaur wash

5th Grade Brochure

6th Grade

Hallway lockers. Rotational class schedule for specialized content instruction. Hands-on, simulations and cross-curricular project based learning.

Bible: Biblical worldview and prayer and worship integrated throughout subjects, classes, and weekly chapel. Students memorize monthly scriptures with application lessons as part of Bible class

Science: Cell, volcano, brain, DNA extraction, animal classification and space objects projects

Math: Proportional reasoning, percent, finance, Christmas village and tessellation geometry projects

Language Arts: Turkey story, historical, missionary research, and Wonder yearbook projects

History: Mosaics and create own country projects

Specials: Band, orchestra or art/music/Spanish, P.E. every day

Sports offered: Football, baseball, basketball, cross country, softball, swimming, and volleyball

Field Trips: Zoo, Go Texan Day, and signature overnight trip to Camp Olympia

6th Grade Brochure

Foreign Languages

The curriculum in the Spanish Section of the lower elementary is designed to foster an interest in foreign language, as well as establish a foundation for further study. Introductory Spanish classes are offered to second through sixth grade students. Second through fourth grade students have the opportunity to study Spanish one time per week during their Fine Arts/PE rotation, while fifth and sixth-grade students may attend Spanish classes twice per week.

