Early Learning Academy


At the Early Learning Academy, we are committed to partnering with ELA families to begin a Kingdom focused education for their children. We provide a safe, Christ-centered and developmentally appropriate education for your child. Proverbs 22:6 states “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not depart from it.” We provide a well rounded preschool program with small class sizes for children aged 2 through 5 years old.

- Anita Pierce, Director


Preschool 2

  • A child must be 2 years old before September 1 to enroll in a two-year-old class.
  • Part-time class options are available on M/W or T/Th from 8:30am to 12pm. 
  • A full-time class option is available on M-F from 8:30am to 2:30pm. AM Plus care is available from 7am-8:30am. PM Plus care is available from 2:30pm-4:30pm or 2:30pm-6pm.


  • A child must be 3 years old before September 1 to enroll in a three-year-old class.
  • Part-time class options are available on T/W/Th  or M/T/W/Th from 8:30am to 12pm. A stay-and-play option is also available from 12pm-2pm.
  • A full-time class option is available on M-F from 8:30am to 2:30pm. AM Plus care is available from 7am-8:30am. PM Plus care is available from 2:30pm-4:30pm or 2:30pm-6pm.


  • A child must be 4 years old before September 1 to enroll in a four-year-old class.
  • Part-time class options are available on T/W/Th or M/T/W/Th from 8:30am to 12pm. A stay-and-play option is also available from 12pm-2pm.
  • A full-time class option is available on M-F from 8:30am to 2:30pm. AM Plus care is available from 7am-8:30am. PM Plus care is available from 2:30pm-4:30pm or 2:30pm-6pm.

Bridge Class

  • A child must be 5 years old before December 31 (priority given to students that are 5 years old by September 1). This class is designed for children who are ready for kindergarten but cannot attend due to DOB or children with late summer birthdays who could benefit from another year of growth making them the oldest upon entering Kindergarten rather than the youngest. 
  • A full-time class option is available on M-F from 8:30am to 2:30pm. AM Plus care is available from 7am-8:30am. PM Plus care is available from 2:30pm-4:30pm or 2:30pm-6pm.


Gospel Light Bible curriculum is utilized in all grade levels. Children learn to recognize that the Bible is God’s word and that God loves and cares for them. The Bible stories lead children to experience God’s love and know Jesus. Preschoolers are forming their first impressions of God. We believe that their first impression should be of a Heavenly Father that loves them, and of Jesus, their life-long Friend and Savior.

Frog Street and Bob Jones curricula are also incorporated by grade level, as indicated below.


The P2 classes utilize the Frog Street (FS) curriculum for two’s. FS is designed around the latest scientific early brain research while focusing on enhancing the simple joy of childhood. Curiosity is encouraged and nurtured through exploration.


The K3 classes utilize the Frog Street (FS) curriculum. FS curriculum for K3 integrates instruction across developmental domains and early learning disciplines. Special attention is given to social-emotional development and provides many levels of support of differentiated instruction in Language and Communication, Emergent Literacy Reading and Writing, Mathematics, Science.

K4 and Bridge

The K4 and Bridge classes utilize Bob Jones University's Footsteps for Fours. Footsteps for Fours presents an active, hands-on learning environment that includes individual activities and group activities as well as classroom centers for learning through play, and opportunities for teachers to begin biblical worldview shaping. Daily phonics, pre reading, and math lessons explore foundational skills while age-appropriate music, science, language arts, social studies, and handwriting segments give young learners opportunities to explore their world.

Music Class

Music is an integral part of our program. Our staff shares their love of music with the children using a variety of fun activities.


Generally held in the Worship Center with BACS Students




Security numbers are provided for all children. Any person (including parents) must know the security number to pick up the child/children. Please make sure all those designated to pick up your child know the security number or the child will not be released.